July 4, 2001 - Scandinavia Online Chat
July 4, 2001
Scandinavia Online Chat
Question: Hi. What will you be doing after you finish the European festivals in August? Is there a North American tour in store, or will you work on the new album some more, or take some time off, or what? Thanks. Rock on.

Nick: We're going straight to the studio, to record Songs for the Deaf. No tour till after the record is released in February. Thanks everyone, for writing in. hope to see you all soon!

Question: Are you guys going to tour Australia for the new album?, If you don't Im gonna be forced to try and make you!!!

Nick: We are signed up for big day out in 2002 with Tool. So you don't have to make us!

Question: What are your opinions on the increasing popularity of "Nu-Metal" bands like Limp Bizkit?

Nick: No opinion

Question: Hi guys, the tour for R has taken you so far from home for long time, do you have find some inspiration for new songs from the places you visited or the desert will remain you main source of inspiration?

Nick: We find inspiration everywhere. From Earth! We go out and write in the desert quite a bit, but also on the road.

Question: In "the quick and the pointless" there is a piece "het leven is hard". How did you come up with that? Meaning, the Dutch words and all. And a question about revenge, you referred to "you can't quit me baby" as a 'love song about hate' at the Werchter festival and in Amsterdam this past weekend. What is the song about? Is it about getting even on some person? Last question, I read on the official website that Josh broke his foot in LA, about a month ago, He sure did play a hell of a live show last Saturday in Amsterdam. How is the foot situation? Thanks again for the autograph, you guys are the sweetest band, see you in Utrecht 21st of august, Anita

Nick: Our dutch family, the band Beaver taught us some dutch. Quit me baby is about how love falls apart, and nobody can relate to each other. It is about someone.He had a fracture for two weeks, he's been good for about three weeks. Thank you , Anita, see you there.

Question: Hi again! Will you be playing this sing at Quart? (refers to QOTSA's cover of Turbonegro's "Back to Dungaree High")

Nick: Yes. Yes of course.

Question: Great concert at Roskilde! Tell your soundtech he did a great job as well. Did you go and watch other bands at Roskilde?

Nick: Thanks! Hutch thanks also. Didn't get to see any other bands - long drive after the show.

Question: Is it true that Dave Grohl is going to play drums on some of the tracks for next album?

Nick: Maybe one or two.

Question: When will it be released and how will it differ from 'R'? P.S Please play Eccentric Man at Leeds Festival because you don't play it enough!

Nick: Songs for the Deaf will be released in feb 2002. It'll have a lot of the same elements as R, but will also move in directions nobody will be excpecting. Eccentric Man: We will do it. Just for you.

Question: Hi Guys!Hope the tour is going well. Found any european headbangers to compete with me? Hope you've still got video footage of me @ Birmingham Academy If so, would it be possible to have a copy of the bits with me in? I've never seen my groovin' on video before. How's the new tattoo going Nick? Love & stuff

Nick: Hello Sue, nice to hear from you. The tattoo is healed nicely,. I don't know where the video is, though. I'll be looking for it, and when we come to Reading in the fall, I'll try to bring it.

Question: Will you be playing any Kyuss songs tonight?

Nick: No. New band, new songs.

Question: when mark lanegan plays live with you, does he sing most of the songs? what else does he do?

Nick: He sings a song that Josh usually sings, Sidewalks, and autopilot, that I sing. And Precious And Grace. And in the fade. A few. He's gonna sing three songs on the new record.

Question: This one goes to Nick: Apparently, you`ve been letting your beard grow ever since you released the first QOTSA album. Will you cut off your beard when QOTSA split up or will you let it grow forever?

Nick: Ask me when I cut it...

Question: Hi guys! I just wanted to know the recording line-up for the next album. will josh, nick and mark sing? Who will play the drums? thanks p.s you are the saviours of rock!

Nick: Yes all three will sing. Gene Troutman will play drums. Ps: Thank you.

Question: whose idea was it to get people to send in poems??? was there a good response? are you going to do this in the future?

Nick: Josh's idea. The response was great there was more than a hundred entries. We don't know if we'll bw doing it again.

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